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• Io lo rifarei altre mille volte perché onestamente mi ha cambiata in ogni aspetto, mi ha fatto realizzare che mi posso sentire a casa anche lontana dalla mia patria, che posso essere quasi completamente autosufficiente e che posso ricominciare una vita quasi da zero e farla diventare più bella di quella che ho lasciato in Italia.
Alessandra, Roma, Italia

• This experience is fantastic in order to learn how to live alone without your parents and make your own decisions with asking other people.
Raquel, A Coruña, Spain

• Esperienza che fa diventare indipendenti ed imparare ad apprezzare tutto quel che ti viene dato.
Federico, Milano, Italia

• L’anno all’estero è da fare perché ti insegna veramente che non è l’età che fa maturare, ma le esperienze che vivi. Ti rendi conto che non c’è niente di più bello di sentirsi liberi, liberi di vivere, di mostrarsi per quelli che si è, di decidere per se stessi, liberi di seguire tutto ciò che ci porta alla felicità. E quando l’avventura finirà, sarà solo l’inizio di una nuova “me”. Ma soprattutto ti rendi conto che è proprio la semplicità a rendere ogni attimo speciale e a saperlo apprezzare nonostante ogni difficoltà.
Ilaria, Venezia, Italia

• The Canadian experience will open your mind. When the people live in their country they use to think that the real life is what it’s happening in their reality. But when you begin to travel it’s different. When you are living in a country that has different culture and language from your country, you’ll understand what living really means. Is one of the best experience in your life. Travel around the world opens your mind, live in an other country change everything. It’s amazing.
Francesco, Torino, Italia

• People should do exchange programs because it’s an entirely unique offer you won’t have later in life. even though you can travel as much as you want, the experience of living in a host family, going to high school and getting new friends is only attainable through daring to jump into an exchange program!
Johanne, Tromsø, Norvegia

• This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, I will never regret it. Because of all the situations I had to handle, I became a stronger person with more self confidence and strength. Even though there are hard times, the time passes faster than you want. I’m so thankful that I got the chance to experience those unforgettable months.
Anna Schulz, Munich, Germania

• Going to live abroad to a country on the other side of the world, leaving everything I was used to was probably one of the most difficult things I have ever done. But I can tell for sure, that I will never regret doing that and I can certainly recommend it to everyone who has this opportunity. I got to visit Canadian school and experience different educational system, also got involved into a Canadian community by joining club, met so many people from different cultures and built friendships that will last for a lot longer than my stay here is.
Nina, Košice, Slovacchia

• Do a exchange is a great opportunity to know yourself better, because the program provides always goods opportunities, meeting new people, knowing others cultures and languages. However it’s a great opportunity to be independent, since you have to have self control on your life, providing probably a development when you come back to your country.
Pedro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

• If anyone of you has the opportunity to do an exchange, do it! it was by far the best decision I’ve ever made and the most exciting and amazing experience I’ve ever had. Exchange is about coming out of your comfort zones, becoming not only more confident, but also more independent and meeting new people from all over the world. it’s about getting to know new cultures and traditions and about starting a new life in a new family with new friends on the other side of the world. It’s a unique and incredible experience that I’m absolutely grateful for and I can only recommend it to everyone who has the opportunity 🙂
Luisa, Hannover, Germany

Andrea, 4Q

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